At StridesAccra, we strive to offer our customers a unique and exclusive shopping experience, providing one-of-a-kind pieces that set them apart. However, we recognize that occasionally, a customer may wish to explore alternatives due to sizing or personal preferences. In this blog post, we aim to shed light on our return policy and our commitment to ensuring customer satisfaction.

Why We Hesitate on Returns

Our business model revolves around offering 1 of 1 pieces, and once an item is purchased, it is marked as sold out to potential customers/ taken off the site. The nature of our products means that accepting returns poses challenges, not only in terms of inventory management but also in potential missed opportunities with interested customers who may inquire about the same item.

Processing returns involves meticulous checks to ensure the item is in resalable condition, followed by reintegrating it into our inventory for a new production cycle, which can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. Moreover, reaching out to customers who have previously inquired about the now-available product can be a daunting task, as they may have moved on to other options.

Our Commitment to Value

While returns can be logistically challenging for us, we are unwavering in our commitment to providing value for money to our customers. In response to customer feedback and our dedication to improving your shopping experience, we have had a longstanding exchange policy.

The Tuesday Exchange Policy

Understanding that sizing issues or unique body types may arise, we have designated Tuesdays as exchange days. This allows us to set aside a curated batch of items with varying fits for customers to personally browse and select the one that best suits them. We recognize that not everyone falls into the standard sizing spectrum, and this tailored approach ensures that our customers find the perfect fit.

How the Exchange Policy Works

Customers wishing to exchange their purchase can raise an exchange request withing 6 hours of receiving their package. Our team will be ready to assist. By dedicating a specific day to exchanges, we can streamline the process and provide individualized attention to customers who require special sizing considerations.

A Note of Appreciation

We want our customers to know that we understand and appreciate the unique challenges posed by our return policy. We value your loyalty and want to assure you that our commitment to providing exceptional products and service remains steadfast. Our exchange policy is a testament to our dedication to your satisfaction.

Thank you for being a part of the StridesAccra community. We look forward to continuing to serve you and enhance your shopping experience.

Best regards,
The StridesAccra Team

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